Sie sind hier: and8.dance / Ozzi

NL Oscar Starink aka Ozzi

O6XS Tänzer
28 Jahre
aus Utrecht (Niederlande)

Highlights & Erfolge

2022 - Top 16 | Top32 1vs1 Outbreak Europe 2022

2020 - Top 32 | Top32 1vs1 The Legits Blast Prague 2020

2018 - Top 32 | Top32 1vs1 Outbreak Europe 2018 - Celebration of Mex One's Life


bei Underdogz Crew

Attention: this is a past event.
Samstag, 24. - Sonntag, 25. Juni 2023, Netherlands
NL World Breaking Classic | WORLD FINAL 2023 - a full weekend of breaking and parties
June 24th Ketelhuisplein - Qualifiers + Jams & GEMS festival Get ready for the Jams & Gems Festival where The Ruggeds share their hidden gems, rough di...

Attention: this is a past event.
Samstag, 12. November 2022, United States
US Red Bull BC One World Final 2022 - International Breaking Battle in New York (USA)
For its 19th edition, the Red Bull BC One World Final returns to New York City, the birthplace of hip-hop, to celebrate breaking heritage and crown this...

Attention: this is a past event.
Sonntag, 23. Februar 2020, Great Britain
GB Groovanometry | The 2020 Vision - International Hip Hop Battle in Manchester (UK)
CATEGORIES:UK vs EUROPE exhibition battle: • 8vs8 Hip Hop / Popping • 8vs8 Breaking • 4vs4 Kids • 12 dancers will be invited for each battle ...

same Crew:
NL Crow
NL Liam
DE Alicia
NL Levi
battle vs:
GB Sunni
PL Wigor
PL Thomaz