Sie sind hier: and8.dance / Marson

CZ Marek Mensa aka Marson

M7ZM Tänzer
28 Jahre
aus Prag (Tschechien)

Highlights & Erfolge

2016 - 2. Platz | Top8 1vs1 Beast.Mode Battle Vol. 3


bei Opatow Flavours

Marson war bei

+ 09.04.2016 AT Beast.Mode Battle Vol. 3

Hype Moments at Show Your Skillz 2018
Show Your Skillz Urban Dance Battle 2018 at Lentos Kunstmuseum in Linz (Austria) on January, 1st 2018 Winner 1vs1 Breaking: Marson (Czech Republic) Winn...

One of these Jams & Battles - Beast.Mode in Vienna (Austria)
International Beast.Mode Battle in Vienna (Austria) on Saturday 9th April 2016 at Hallmann Dome Jam, Cyphers, Battles and Workshops Winner 1vs1 Breaking...

and8 TV:
Beast.Mode Battle 2016 (Final): 1vs1 Breaking
International Beast.Mode Battle in Vienna (Austria) on Saturday 9th April 2016 at Hallmann Dome Winner 1vs1 Breaking: Rock'n'Rolli Judges: Cico (Italy),...