Sie sind hier: and8.dance / Triggely

DE Michael Rockermair aka Triggely

M4XR aka Rocking Mike, Trigga
geboren: 16. Juni 1999 | gestorben: 28. Januar 2019 (R.I.P.)
aus Marzling (Deutschland)

He was one of the most talented next generation dancers from around Munich. Born and raised in Marzling (Germany) a small village near Freising, he entered his first Breaking class in 2010. From then on he continued with massive style and originality. In 2012 he and his crew mates from "Fresh Colourz Crew" (Freising/Germany) won the first smaller kids competitions and battles, did several shows and brought their performance to the next level. Michael former known as BBoy "Rocking Mike" and later "Trigga" or "Triggerly" entered several national and international top events like Circle Industry or the Eve Dance Battle where he gave a taste of his individual character to the scene. After a while he stepped back from participating, didn't show up for a longer period at jams and battles. There were moments he tried to come back but couldn't keep the strength and consistency on point. Finally he went deeper into hard times and life took over. He died in January 2019. While crossing a street he had an accident with a car and was hurten badly. He was a person of the heart and all people who knew him will always remember his beautiful smile.

Highlights & Erfolge

2015 - 2. Platz | Top4 1vs1 Dance & Style Battle 2015 - 1vs1 Breaking Kids

2016 - Top 16 | Top16 1vs1 Champion the Best (CTB) Vol. 12

2015 - Top 8 | Top8 1vs1 Dance & Style Battle 2015

Ehemals Mitglied

- 2019 bei Fresh Colourz Crew

Triggely war bei

+ 13.02.2016 DE Champion the Best (CTB) Vol. 12
+ 14.03.2015 AT Dance & Style Battle 2015

Good vibes at the Spring Break Battle 2016
the first Spring Break Battle in Gmunden (Austria) at the SEP Shopping Center on Saturday 30th April 2016 Winner 1vs1 Kids: Alex from Linz Winner 2vs2 B...

same Crew:
DE Bench
battle vs:
DE Tapio
AT Intus
AT Lil Chris