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AT Mustapha Ajdour aka The Wolfer

M9ZA aka Wolf
Tänzer, Promoter
32 Jahre
aus Casablanca (Marokko)
derzeit Innsbruck (Österreich)
aktiv seit 2007

Mustapha Ajdour, aka Wolf, started dancing on the streets of Casablanca in 2007, at the age of 15. It was there that he first fell into Hip Hop culture, which served to keep him out of trouble and away from the negative influences in his environment. After only few years of practice, he has quickly become recognized for his original moves and character. His high energy in battles, mixed with his flow and musicality, is what makes his style unique. He got his name, Wolf, from his brother, who spread it through their neighborhood.

Different from other dancers who spend most of their time in studios, Wolf spends most of time dancing on the streets with his friends and crews. After all, the hard floor is from where he birthed his skills. Everything in his life, especially his culture, inspires Wolf and motivates him. Even if it's hard to live as a professional dancer and go to university at the same time, he keeps pushing himself to dance.

His goal for the future is to improve his level as much as he can and to travel around the world to make his country, Morocco, proud of him.

Highlights & Erfolge

2017 - Gewinner | Top16 1vs1 Red Bull BC One Austria Cypher 2017
2017 - Gewinner | Top16 1vs1 Beast.Mode Battle - Vol. 4 - 1vs1 Breaking
2017 - Gewinner | Top16 1vs1 Carinthian X Break 2017 - 1vs1 Breaking
2017 - Gewinner | Top8 1vs1 Champion The Best 2017

2020 - Top 8 | Top32 1vs1 The Legits Blast Prague 2020

2018 - Top 8 | Top16 1vs1 Red Bull BC One World Final 2018 - BBoys
2018 - Top 32 | Top32 1vs1 Outbreak Europe 2018 - Celebration of Mex One's Life

2017 - Top 8 | Top16 1vs1 Outbreak Europe 2017 - 1vs1 Undisputed
2017 - Top 8 | Top32 1vs1 Outbreak Europe 2017
2015 - Top 16 | Top16 1vs1 The Notorious IBE 2015

Attention: this is a past event.
Samstag, 13. April 2024, Austria
AT Red Bull BC One Cypher Austria 2024 - Open Qualifier - National Breaking Battle & World Final Qualification in Vienna (Austria)
Herzlich willkommen zum 'Red Bull BC One Cypher Austria' am 27. April 2024 in der Ballonhalle Wien (Austria). Teilnehmen können alle B-Girls und B-...

Attention: this is a past event.
Samstag, 20. Mai 2023, Austria
AT World of Breaking 2023 - International Breaking Battle in Wels (Austria)
Welcome to 'World of Breaking' on 20 May 2023 in Wels (Austria). The event will be an international Breaking Battle, organized by Max.Center Wels and B-...

Attention: this is a past event.
Sonntag, 16. April 2023, Italy
IT Battle School - Break The Floor 2023
BATTLE SCHOOL 2023 Italian breakdance championship Qualify for BREAK THE FLOOR WORLD FINAL (italy qualify) April 16th 3vs3 Open (BTF qualification) 2v...

Attention: this is a past event.
Samstag, 18. - Sonntag, 19. März 2023, Austria
AT Carinthian-X-Break 2023 - International Urban Dance Battle in Feldkirchen/Carinthia (Austria)
Welcome to Carinthian-X-Break 2023 in Feldkirchen (Carinthia/Austria). Carinthian-X-Break is a international dance event based in the south of Austria i...

Attention: this is a past event.
Samstag, 7. Januar 2023, Austria
AT Show Your Skillz 2023 - Internationales Urban Dance Battle in Linz (Österreich)
DATE | Saturday, 7. Jannuary 2023 TIME | starting at 13:00 LOCATION | Neues Rathaus (Linz) MAIL | info@urbanartists.at WEB | www.showyourskillz.at STYL...

Attention: this is a past event.
Donnerstag, 16. Juni 2022, Austria
AT SOULBOX Battle 2022 - International Hip Hop Battle in Vorarlberg (Austria)
CATEGORIES:1 vs 1 Breaking Kids up to 8 years Juniors 9-14 years Adults 15 years Hip Hop Kids up to 8 years Juniors 9-14 years Adults ab 15 years LIN...

Attention: this is a past event.
Samstag, 14. Mai 2022, Belgium
BE LCB Choose Your Destiny 2022 - International Breaking Battle in Liege (Belgium)
Liège City Breakers presents "LCB CHOOSE YOUR DESTINY", our international battle which will take place on 14th May 2022. LINE-UP:MC: • Sadat DJ: ...

Attention: this is a past event.
Samstag, 16. April 2022, Austria
AT Red Bull BC One Cypher Austria 2022 - 10 Jahre Red Bull BC One Cypher Austria
Am 16. April 2022 wird es in Wien richtig heiß hergehen – die besten B-Girls und B-Boys battlen beim Red Bull BC One Cypher Austria 2022 um den ...

Attention: this is a past event.
Samstag, 9. - Sonntag, 10. April 2022, Austria
AT Carinthian-X-Break 2022 Vol 7 - International Urban Dance Battle in Feldkirchen/Carinthia (Austria)
Welcome to Carinthian-X-Break 2022 in Feldkirchen (Carinthia/Austria). Carinthian-X-Break is an international Hip Hop dance competition. This event is a...

Attention: this is a past event.
Montag, 19. - Sonntag, 25. Juli 2021, Switzerland
ZEE CITY SUMMER CAMP 19. - 25. JULI 2021 Master Classes & more! www.skillz.dance

Attention: this is a past event.
Samstag, 5. - Sonntag, 6. Juni 2021, Austria
AT Austrian Breaking Championships 2021 - 1st official Austrian national championship in Breaking inGraz (Austria)
This event is only avaible in German! Click here for more information.

and8 TV:
BRKN' Quiz - Lil Zoo & The Wolfer vs Zoopreme & Tawfiq
BRKN’ Quiz, the first and only bgirl and bboy breaking quiz in the world. Done by bgirls and bboys for bgirls and bboys whose knowledge will be tested...

Attention: this is a past event.
Montag, 15. - Samstag, 20. Februar 2021, Austria
AT Bewerbung für österreichischen Nationalkader
Liebe Breaking Community, diese Schreiben richtet sich an alle B-Girls und B-Boys, die berechtigtes Interesse an einer Teilnahme an dem zu bildenden &o...

Attention: this is a past event.
Freitag, 28. August 2020, Austria
We have been connected with the Floor since day ONE. It supports us not drifts away. Time to discover more about how to flowing on the Floor. No experie...

Attention: this is a past event.
Freitag, 13. - Samstag, 14. März 2020, Austria
AT Circle Industry 2020 - International Breaking Festival & Battle in Salzburg (Austria)
Circle Industry is back with its 12th edition The world’s Breaking elite gathers at Szene Salzburg for the newest edition of Circle Industry! 13.-14....

Attention: this is a past event.
Samstag, 4. Januar 2020, Austria
AT Show Your Skillz 2020 - International Urban Dance Battle in Linz (Austria)
Categories:2vs2 Breaking 2vs2 Hip Hop 1vs1 Experimental 1vs1 All Styles Kids (till 14) DJs:Renegade El Vasi HOST:Swifty JUDGES:Storm Wolfer Sarah R...

Attention: this is a past event.
Samstag, 30. November 2019, Switzerland
CH DPC Jam 2019 - International Breaking Battle in Kappel am Albis (Switzerland)
International 2 vs 2 BBoy Battle 8 Crews will be invited 8 Crews can qualify via PRESELECTION at the venue Invited 8: - LilZoo & Tsukki (Austria / Ja...

Attention: this is a past event.
Samstag, 23. November 2019, Switzerland
CH Groove Session 2019 - International Breaking Battle in Neuchâtel (Switzerland)
PROGRAMM:Groove Session ist ein Wahnsinnsevent, der euch in eine faszinierende Welt katapultiert. In dieser wird die Leidenschaft aussergewöhnliche...

Attention: this is a past event.
Sonntag, 29. September 2019, Austria
AT Red Bull Dance Connect Sessions with The Wolfer & Sunni - International Breaking Workshops in Salzburg (Austria)
Red Bull Dance Connect Sessions with B-Boy The Wolfer & B-Boy Sunni – Breaking On September 29th, the Red Bull Dance Connect Sessions will come to Sa...

Attention: this is a past event.
Samstag, 24. August 2019, Germany
DE Beasthouse Battle Vol. 8 - National Urban Dance Battle in Erlangen (Germany)
2 vs 2 Battle !! TOP 8: - ILLUSION OF EXIST/ Vakho & Cheerito -TRU CRU / Chau-Lin & Light - Xak & Grazy - THE SAXONZ / Anton & Lehmi - Elvis & Shay...

Attention: this is a past event.
Sonntag, 11. - Freitag, 16. August 2019, Austria
AT Dynamic Movement Festival 2019 - TANZ | MUSIK | YOGA
LEBEN IST BEWEGUNG // LIFE IS MOVEMENT Bewegung ist Leben. Dein Leben. Erfahre dich durch Tanz und Yoga, durch die Freiheit, das zu tun, was dich gera...

Attention: this is a past event.
Sonntag, 23. Juni 2019, Norway
NO Floorknights 20th anniversary - Hard 2 Earn + Battle of Norway
Floorknights crew are celebrating 20 years of brotherhood and unforgettable moments! To mark the anniversary, we're hosting two events in our hometown o...

Attention: this is a past event.
Freitag, 3. - Sonntag, 5. Mai 2019, Germany
DE Urban Danceprix 2019 - International Urban Dance Festival in Biberach (Germany)
ORGANISERUrban Danceprix is organised and produced by the City of Biberach, Jugend Aktiv e.V. and the Funky Kidz. CATEGORIES:• 3vs3 Breaking Crew Bat...

Attention: this is a past event.
Freitag, 3. - Sonntag, 5. Mai 2019, Germany
DE Urban Danceprix Workshops 2019 - International Urban Dance Workshops in Biberach (Germany)
FUNKY-JLocking Stadthalle Biberach, Hans-Liebherr-Saal Theaterstraße 4, 88400 Biberach We're pleased that Funky-J agreed to provide us with a wor...

Attention: this is a past event.
Mittwoch, 1. - Donnerstag, 2. Mai 2019, People's Republic of China
CN World BBoy Classic China Qualifiers 2019 - International Breaking Battle in Suzhou (CHINA)