In 2004, I saw a guy dancing in a club, from that point on I wanted to do the same and I started right away. The Momentum Crew and Jim Carrey inspired me a lot, that's the reason why I would describe my style in the three words: running to freedom!
After the movie Bruce Almighty with Jim Carrey, some friends started to call me Bruce Almighty because of some difficult moves I did at the time. I am very thankful to my parents, because they always supported me.
During a battle, I'm never nervous, it's not a fight, it's a game for me and that´s important. Everybody should respect one another and all the B-Boys and B-Girls should have fun. We should try to create new styles in our world.
I would describe a good B-Boy in the words: cipher, music, own stuff, kind, incredible feeling. I use everything in life to improve my B-Boy style like Kung Fu or sleeping.
In my spare time I teach younger B-Boys and I love to edit videos and music. The scene in our country is pretty easy to describe - we have the International Eurobattle, the Momentum Crew and our Dance school.
I am really happy that I got the opportunity to participate in the Western European Red Bull BC One Qualifier in Holland in 2012 and now looking forward to compete at the Western Europe Final 2015 in Madrid.
Let's see what the future will bring, but I want to spend my life dancing and having fun!
2008 2st Place Trickonometry, Russia 2010 1st Place Battle for Brixia Italy / Seven to Smoke 2011 1st Place Portugal B-Boy 1vs1 2012 1st Place Raw Circles, Belgium 2012 1st Place Red Bull BC One Cypher Portugal 2013 1st Place Style Outlet Dance Event, France 2014 1st Place Unbreakable, Belgium
Friday, September 1st - Sunday, 3rd 2023, Portugal
The World Battle 2023 28TH OF AUGUST: Workshops 29TH OF AUGUST Workshops Street Market 30TH OF AUGUST: Workshops Street Market World Series WDSF 31ST OF AUGUST Worksho...
Attention: this is a past event.
Friday, September 1st - Sunday, 3rd 2023, Portugal
The World Battle 2023 28TH OF AUGUST: Workshops 29TH OF AUGUST Workshops Street Market 30TH OF AUGUST: Workshops Street Market World Series WDSF 31ST OF AUGUST Worksho...
BRUCE ALMIGHTY // .stance Dancer Spotlight // .stance - Representing Russia and Portugal, Bruce Almighty (@brucemomentum) of Momentum crew gets down amongst the backwater, mechan...