Sei qui: and8.dance / Pesto

IT Stefano Beltrame aka Pesto

S1VB Ballerino
da SavonA (Italy)
attualmente Milan (Italy)


di Bandits Crew

Attention: this is a past event.
Sabato, 11. Maggio 2024, Germany
DE Blaze The Maze - International Breaking Battle in Ludwigsburg (Germany)
For the first time 'Kunstschule Labyrinth' is hosting the breaking event "BLAZE THE MAZE" in Ludwigsburg (Germany) at the Kunstzentrum Karlskaserne (Rei...

Attention: this is a past event.
Sabato, 23. Marzo 2024, Germany
DE Dancing Dessau 2024 - International Breaking Battle in Dessau (Germany)
Dancing Dessau ist zurück. Nach dem großen Erfolg von 2021 und 2023 ist Anhalt-Sport e.V. zurück in der Anhalt Arena um Breaking vom Fei...

Attention: this is a past event.
Sabato, 16. Aprile 2022, Hungary
HU World Breaking Classic Eastern European OPEN Qualifier 2022
World Breaking Classic Eastern European Open Qualifier in Budapest, Hungary! Categories:• 1 vs 1 PRO • World Breaking Classic 2vs2 • 7 to smoke...

Attention: this is a past event.
Sabato, 18. Aprile 2020, Italy
IT Like a Bomb! 2020 5th Anniversary - International Breaking Battle in Milan (Italy)
• BATTLE: -2vs2 International open ( max150 couples ) -1vs1 International kids ( max 150 dancers ) -5vs5 Explosion showcase • WHEN? Saturday 18 ap...

Attention: this is a past event.
Domenica, 23. Febbraio 2020, Great Britain
GB Groovanometry | The 2020 Vision - International Hip Hop Battle in Manchester (UK)
CATEGORIES:UK vs EUROPE exhibition battle: • 8vs8 Hip Hop / Popping • 8vs8 Breaking • 4vs4 Kids • 12 dancers will be invited for each battle ...

same Crew:
IT Froz
IT Base