Sei qui: and8.dance / SoFly

AT Sophie Prehofer aka SoFly

S7QP aka Soph
Ballerina, Coreografa, Insegnante di danza, Organizzatrice, Dirigente
22 Anni
da Vöcklabruck (Austria)
attualmente Burghausen (Germany)
attiva dal 2018

Prossimo evento con SoFly

+ 13.07.2024 DE mth Final Showing 2024
+ 26.10.2024 DE Patrick Grigo's 30th Anniversary Tanzgala 2024
+ 15.12.2024 DE Christmas Dance Show 2024

Domenica, 15. Dicembre 2024 in 166 days, Germany
DE Christmas Dance Show 2024 - Dance Show of the Move Too Hot Company & Friends in Burghausen (Germany)
Zum Abschluss des Jahres 2024 laden wir noch einmal alle recht herzlich zu unserer großen 'Christmas Dance Show 2024' ein. Am 15. Dezember gibt es...

Sabato, 26. Ottobre 2024 in 116 days, Germany
DE Patrick Grigo's 30th Anniversary Tanzgala 2024 - International Dance Gala & Show in Burghausen (Germany)
Herzlich Willkommen zur großen '30 Jahre Patrick Grigo' Jubiläumsgala am 26. Oktober 2024 im Burghauser Stadtsaal (Germany). An diesem Tag fe...

Venerdì, 18. - Sabato, 26. Ottobre 2024 in 108 days, Germany
DE Patrick Grigo's 30th Anniversary Festival 2024 - International Dance Festival in Burghausen (Germany)
Herzlich Willkommen zu "Patrick Grigo's 30th Anniversary Festival" vom 19. bis 26. Oktober 2024 in Burghausen (Germany). Patrick Grigo feiert sein 30-j&...

Sabato, 13. - Domenica, 14. Luglio 2024 in 11 days, Germany
DE mth Jahresaufführung 2024 - Tanzshow der Move Too Hot Company in Burghausen (Germany)
Herzlich Willkommen zur großen Jahresaufführung 2024 von 'Burghausen tanzt by movetoohot' am 13. und 14. Juli 2024 im Stadtsaal Burghausen. I...

Attention: this is a past event.
Sabato, 27. Aprile 2024, Austria
AT Red Bull BC One Cypher Austria 2024 - National Breaking Battle in Vienna (Austria)
Attention breaking fans: Austria's best b-girls and b-boys are fighting for victory at Austria's most important breaking event - and for their invitatio...

Attention: this is a past event.
Sabato, 27. Gennaio 2024, Switzerland
CH BadenBreaks 2024 - International Breaking Battle für Kinder & Jugendliche in Baden (Switzerland)
Welcome to the 2nd Edition of the one and only 'Baden Breaks Battle' on 27th January 2024 at Trafo Baden (Switzerland). After the big success in 2023 we...

Attention: this is a past event.
Domenica, 10. Dicembre 2023, Germany
DE Christmas Dance Show 2023 - Dance Show of the Move Too Hot Company & Friends in Burghausen (Germany)
Vorverkauf Beendet!Es gibt noch etwa 60 Tickets an der Abendkasse ab 14:30 bis 15:30 Uhr im Foyer des Stadtsaals. Bitte kommen Sie rechtzeitig! Danke Z...

Attention: this is a past event.
Venerdì, 10. - Sabato, 11. Novembre 2023, Germany
DE Castle Rock Jam & DTV Ranking Battle 2023 - International Breaking Kids/Juniors Battle & DTV Ranking Battle in Burghausen (Germany)
Welcome to the 'Castle Rock Jam' and 'DTV Ranking Battle' on November 11, 2023 at the Stadtsaal of Burghausen (Germany). The event is a side event to th...

Attention: this is a past event.
Martedì, 18. - Mercoledì, 19. Luglio 2023, Germany
DE HKS tanzt! 2023 - Eine bunte Schule bewegt sich zur Musik
Herzlich Willkommen bei 'HKS tanzt', ein Projekt der Hans-Kammerer-Grundschule Burghausen und 'Burghausen tanzt by movetoohot', unterstützt von zah...

Attention: this is a past event.
Sabato, 8. - Domenica, 9. Luglio 2023, Germany
DE mth Final Showing 2023 - Dance Show of the Move Too Hot Company in Burghausen (Germany)
Herzlich Willkommen zur großen Jahresaufführung 2023 von 'Burghausen tanzt by movetoohot' am 8. und 9. Juli 2023 im Stadtsaal Burghausen. Unt...

Attention: this is a past event.
Venerdì, 23. Giugno 2023, Germany
DE Kultur im Zelt Hip Hop Night 2023 - Regional Dance & Music Event in Burghausen (Germany)
Eine geballte Ladung Hip Hop rollt auf Burghausen zu und schlägt bei Kultur im Zelt auf. Hamburgs Hip Hop Urgestein Marc „Sleepwalker“ Wichmann...

Attention: this is a past event.
Sabato, 20. Maggio 2023, Austria
AT World of Breaking 2023 - International Breaking Battle in Wels (Austria)
Welcome to 'World of Breaking' on 20 May 2023 in Wels (Austria). The event will be an international Breaking Battle, organized by Max.Center Wels and B-...

Attention: this is a past event.
Domenica, 26. Marzo 2023, Austria
AT Austrian Hip Hop Open 2023 - International Urban Dance Team & Breaking Crew Competition in Ried (Austria)
Die 'Austrian Hip Hop Open' (vorher 'Austrian Hip Hop Championship') wurden von Tänzer:innen aus der Szene ins Leben gerufen, um vor allem Kindern ...

Attention: this is a past event.
Sabato, 25. Febbraio 2023, Switzerland
CH BadenBreaks 2023 - International Breaking Battle for Kids & Juniors in Baden (Switzerland)
Welcome to the first edition of 'BadenBreaks' on 25 February 2023 at Trafo in Baden AG (Switzerland). This children's and youth event is a joint product...

Attention: this is a past event.
Domenica, 11. Dicembre 2022, Germany
DE Christmas Dance Show 2022 - Dance Show of the Move Too Hot Company & Friends in Burghausen (Germany)
RESTKARTEN AN DER ABENDKASSEab 15:30 Uhr im Stadtsaal • Regular = 25,00 EUR • Ermässigt = 20,00 EUR Nun bereits zum 5. Mal findet die Christma...

Attention: this is a past event.
Sabato, 2. - Domenica, 3. Luglio 2022, Germany
DE mth Final Showing 2022 - Dance Show of the Move Too Hot Company in Burghausen (Germany)
Thema & Inhalte der Show"Getanzte Bilder" heißt der Titel der kommenden Jahresaufführung vom mth Tanzzentrum Burghausen, die am 2. und 3. Jul...

Attention: this is a past event.
Sabato, 26. Marzo 2022, Austria
AT Austrian Breaking Cup 2022 - International Breaking Competition in Ried i. Innkreis (Austria)
Welcome to the 'Austrian Breaking Cup 2022' as part of the sports fair in Ried i. Innkreis (Upper Austria, Austria). Various 'breaking' competitions and...