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AT True School Battle

True School Battle 2016 - Vol. 2
True School Battle 2016 - Vol. 2
Sab, 16.1.2016
AT Pfarrheim Schoren

True School Battle 2016 Review
Austrian battle with international participation on Pfarrheim Schoren (Austria) on Saturday 16 January 2016 winner 3vs3 Breaking: Fifty, Guti & Freaky P...

and8 TV:
True School Battle 2016 Recap
2nd True School Battle 2016 in Dornbirn (Austria) organised by FRK-Danceschool and Prodigyy Crew supported by Red Bull Austria with Bboy Cico winner of ...

BC One Austria 2016 Wildcard Winner Guti
Red Bull BC One Austria Wildcard goes to Guti Patrick Gutensohn aka Guti von Prodigyy aus Dornbirn (Austria) Wildcard berechtigt zur direkten Teilnahme ...