Sei qui: and8.dance / Lil Beat Killaz (LBK)

AT Lil Beat Killaz (LBK)

Equipaggio, Gruppo di danza
da Wien/Vienna (Austria)

1 Membri

AT Elias Alberto Rosas Rondinelli aka Koda

1 ex membri

Attention: this is a past event.
Sabato, 18. Maggio 2024, Austria
AT Upper Austrian Youngstars Battle 2024 - National Breaking Battle in Wels (Austria)
Willkommen zum 'Upper Austria Youngstars Battle' am 18. Mai 2024 in der Tanzschule Hippmann in Wels (Austria). Wir freuen uns auf zahlreiche Teilnehmer:...

Attention: this is a past event.
Sabato, 27. Aprile 2024, Austria
AT Red Bull BC One Cypher Austria 2024 - National Breaking Battle in Vienna (Austria)
Attention breaking fans: Austria's best b-girls and b-boys are fighting for victory at Austria's most important breaking event - and for their invitatio...

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Breaking Austrian Youth Open (BAYO) – Recap 2022
The 'Austrian Breaking Youth Open' is an international dance competition in breaking, which is held annually in Linz (Upper Austria/Austria). Participan...

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Austrian Breaking Championship 2022 | 1vs1 B-Boy | PRE 03 – Killua -VS- Dizzy Mike
The ‘Staatsmeisterschaft 2022’ is the official Austrian Breaking Championship 2022 held on 18/19 June 2022 in Graz (Austria) during the Sport Austri...

Attention: this is a past event.
Sabato, 26. Marzo 2022, Austria
AT Austrian Breaking Cup 2022 - International Breaking Competition in Ried i. Innkreis (Austria)
Welcome to the 'Austrian Breaking Cup 2022' as part of the sports fair in Ried i. Innkreis (Upper Austria, Austria). Various 'breaking' competitions and...

Attention: this is a past event.
Sabato, 27. - Domenica, 28. Marzo 2021, Austria
AT UDVÖ Breaking Nationalkader Camp - Trainingslager des österreichischen Breaking Nationalkaders in Linz (Austria)
Zum ersten Mal findet ein Trainingslager für den UDVÖ Breaking Nationalkader im oberösterreichischen Olympiazentrum auf der Gugl in Linz stat...