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ZA Elvina Sylvester aka Vee

E7ZS Dancer

Attention: this is a past event.
5월16일, 일요일 - 5월19일, 일요일 2024, China
CN 2024 Olympic Qualifier Series Part 1 - Shanghai - China - OQS
Break. Ride. Skate. Climb. The ultimate stage for athletes to qualify for Paris 2024 is coming to Shanghai and Budapest in the first ever Olympic Qualif...

Attention: this is a past event.
5월12일, 토요일 - 5월13일, 토요일 2023, Morocco
MA WDSF African Championship - Rabat - Morocco
Organized by the Royal Moroccan Federation of Aerobic Sports, Fitness, Hip Hop and Related Disciplines, under the aegis of the WDSF, the WDSF Breaking C...