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DE Patrick Williams aka Twoface

P1XW Dancer, Choreographer, Coach
39 Years
from Munich (Germany)
at present Düsseldorf (Germany)

When Twoface first started dancing it was hip-hop and b-boying that were his passions. He soon recognised his enthusiasm for animation and popping and has since become one of Germany’s most technical and creative artists. His dedication knows no limits. As a result of many years of building his technical ‘know how’, Twoface has developed his own characteristic popping style and is fired up to share his unique movements on an international stage.

Attention: this is a past event.
3월24일, 일요일 - 3월25일, 일요일 2018, Germany
DE Champion the Best Winter 2018 - International Urban Dance Battle in Munich (Germany)

Attention: this is a past event.
3월2일, 일요일 - 3월4일, 일요일 2018, France
FR Battle Opsession 2018 - International Urban Dance Festival & Battles in Nantes (France)

Attention: this is a past event.
6월24일, 토요일 2017, Germany
DE Dance Delight Germany Vol. 6 / 2017 - National Qualification for the World Finals in Japan

Attention: this is a past event.
5월23일, 토요일 2015, Germany
DE Express Your Style Battle 2015 - All Style Surprise Battle