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UFBB - Ultimate FlashBack Battles 2015

National and internationale Hip Hop & Bboying Competition

5월1일, 토요일 - 5월2일, 토요일 2015
HR Pogon Jedinstvo
Trnjanski nasip bb, 10000 Zagreb (Google Maps)

이벤트 상세정보


May is approaching us, as well as the 5th traditional urban event called UFBB (Ultimate FlashBack Battles), which brings us this year even more dancing, good music, fun and socializing. Every year we seek to spread our story, on one hand its directed towards the youngest members, their development, education and creative freedom through urban culture; and on the other hand we want to create a unity amongst all cultures. This year along with the Graffiti Jam, Break Dance battle competiton, Hip-Hop and an All Style battle competition we bring you one more category for the youngest - 2vs2 Hip Hop battles for kids. As last year we prepare for you some surprises, maybe a few (un)prepared MC-BeatBox freestyle session ;)
All of the events will take place in the Hall „Pogon Jedinstvo“ ( Trnjanski nasip bb, a Hall near a night club called „Močvara). You are all invited and welcome....so be there and become a part of our story. :)

Battle categories:
Hip-Hop: 2vs2 (up to the age of 11)
1vs1 (12+ years)
All Style: crew vs crew (all ages)
B-boy'n: 1vs1 (up to the age of 11) - King Of The Kidz qualifications
1vs1 juniors ( 12- 15 years) - King Of The Kidz qualifications
1vs1 seniors ( 16+ years) - Red Bull BC One Cypher
crew vs crew ( up to the age of 15)
crew vs crew ( 16+ years)

- AllStyle Crews must have 3 to 5 members.
- Bboy Crews must have 3 to 6 mambers.
- there is no limited number of applicants for 1vs1 or for crew vs crew.
- winners of first 3 places at FREESTYLE ON THE BLOCK 2015 contest qualify directly to UFBB Top 16 in all categories

FRIDAY (May 1st)

DJ: Bijan
Hosts: Tremens, Valian


Hip Hop 2vs2 kids:
- Mateja Miković (Family Cardio Crew, GOC)
- Anis Chillo Habibovic (Family Cardio Crew, GOC)
- Šimun Stankov (Family Cardio Crew, GOC)

Hip Hop 1vs1 and All Style:

- Frederick Folkes, The Realness (London, UK)
- Bogdan Bloo (Novi Sad, Serbia)
- JOana ListenMan (Graz, Austria)


10:00-16:00 Graffiti - Modul8
- free class
10:00-11:30 Popping - Fred Realness
11:30-13:00 Locking - Fred Realness
- one class 70 kn (9 euro)
- both classes 100 kn (13 euro)
LOCATION: Hall „Pogon Jedinstvo“

10:00 - Beginning of the Graffiti Jam (Trnjanski nasip bb)
13:30 Open doors - check in for all categories
14:00 Hip Hop 2vs2 kids (up to 12 years)
16:00 Hip Hop 1vs1 qualifications
17:00 All Style qualifications
18:00 Hip Hop 1vs1 battles
20:00 All Style battles
21:00 All Style finale battle

23:00 - After Party – WHO GOT THE JU!CE + AFTERPARTY | 1vs1 theme battles - SUPER SUPER klub, Radnička 27 - more info on the link below

SATURDAY (May 2nd)

DJ’s: Amok , Tzek
Host’s: Tremens Valian


- Parrish (Ger)
- Goofy (Sb)
- Lil Kiko (Cro)
- Parrish (Ger)
- Goofy (Sb)
- Lil Kiko (Cro)
- Lamine (Fra)
- Justice (BiH)
- El Rock (Cro)


10:00 Open doors
11:00 1vs1 Bboy'n Kids starts
14:00 1vs1 Bboy'n Juniors starts
17:00 Crew vs Crew Juniors starts
20:00 1vs1 Bboy'n Seniors starts
22:00 Crew vs Crew Bboy'n Seniors starts

23:30 AFTER PARTY - PHAT KSET & Blackouthiphop.com presenting - Cali Agents (Planet Asia x Rasco) + Durag Dynasty U Zagrebu! - KSET, Unska 3.
!!!!!DISCOUNT FOR ALL CONTESTANTS - 30,00kn (4€) entrance fee :)


Bboy workshops:
10:00 - 11:30 - Goofy (Srb)
11:30 - 13:00 - Lamine (Fra)
- one class 35kn (5€)
- both classes 50kn (6.5€)

- competition registration on e-mail: ufbb.battle@gmail.com
- necessary information in the registration: bboy (stage name) name and name of the crew (number of members), category and date of birth

- when a contestant pays the battle fee he is abble to participate in more categories and can come to the event both days

- Best placed Croatian bboy on 1vs1 seniors battles is qualified to the Red Bull BC One Eastern Europe Final 2015. (+Trip and accommodation).

-First place of the 1vs1 bboy battles under 16 will win a direct entry into the Top 16 in the King Of The Kidz battles in Amsterdam + organized trip!!

-The first three places of 1vs1 Juniors battles win free scholarships at the Internacional Eve Dance Festival 2015 in Burghausen (Germany)

- the awards for all of the categories will be announced on the day of the competition :)

-battle fee: 50kn (6.5 €)
-battle fee for kids (up to the age of 11) : 25kn (3€)
-entry fee for viewers per day: 30kn (4€)
-entry fee for both days: 50kn (6.5 €)

....more details will come out soon :)


Bliži nam se svibanj, pa tako i naš urbani festival Ultimate FlashBack Battles. Ove godine, na već 5. izdanju događaja čeka nas još više plesnih okršaja, dobre glazbe, druženja i ugodne atmosfere . Uz Graffiti Jam, Break Dance, Hip Hop, All Style natjecanja i radiance, cijelu priču zaokružujemo dodavanjem još jedne kategorije za najmlađe 2vs2 Hip Hop djeca. Kao i prošle godine za vas pripremamo plesna iznenađenja, a možda se zalomi i koja (ne)dogovorena MC-BeatBox improvizacija. Ne propustite biti dio priče…..dođite i zabavite se.

Ostali detalji događaja će biti naknadno objavljeni.

Kategorije natjecanja:
2vs2 Hip Hop djeca (do 11 god.)
1vs1 Hip Hop (od 11 god.)
Crew vs Crew All Style (sve dobi)
1vs1 B-boy’n djeca (do 11 god.) - King Of The Kidz kvalifikacije
1vs1 B-boy’n juniori (od 12 do 15 god.) - King Of The Kidz kvalifikacije
1vs1 B-boy’n seniori (od 16 god.) - Red Bull BC One Cypher
Crew vs Crew B-boy’n juniori (do 15 god.)
Crew vs Crew B-boy’n seniori (od 16 god.)

- AllStyle Crew-evi mogu imati od 3 do 5 članova.
- Bboy Crew-evi mogu imati od 3 do 6 članova.
- nema ograničenja broja prijavljenih pojedinaca i crew-ova.
- prva tri mjesta sa natjecanja FREESTYLE ON THE BLOCK 2015 iz svih kategorija direktno ulaze u Top 16.

PETAK (1.5)

DJ: Bijan
Voditelji: Tremens, Valian

Hip Hop 2vs2 djeca:
- Mateja Miković (Family Cardio Crew, GOC)
- Anis Chillo Habibovic (Family Cardio Crew, GOC)
- Šimun Stankov (Family Cardio Crew, GOC)

Hip Hop Seniori i All Style:
- Frederick Folkes, The Realness (London, UK)
- Bogdan Bloo (Novi Sad, Srbija)
- JOana ListenMan (Graz, Austria)


10:00-16:00 Graffiti - Modul8
-besplatna radionica
10:00-11:30 Popping - Fred Realness
11:30-13:00 Locking - Fred Realness
- jedna radionica 70 kn (9 eura)
- obje radionice 100 kn (13 eura)
LOKACIJA: Pogon Jedinstvo

10:00 - Početak Graffiti Jam-a (Trnjanski nasip bb)
13:30 Otvaranje vrata - prijave za sve kategorije
14:00 Hip Hop 2vs2 battles(djeca)
16:00 Hip Hop 1vs1 kvalifikacije
17:00 All Style kvalifikacije
18:00 Hip Hop 1vs1 battles
20:00 All Style battles
21:00 All Style finalni battle

23:00 - After Party – WHO GOT THE JU!CE + AFTERPARTY | 1vs1 theme battles - SUPER SUPER klub, Radnička 27 - više informacija na linku:

SUBOTA (2.5)

DJ’s: Amok, Tzek
Host’s: Tremens, Valian

Djeca :
- Parrish (Ger)
- Goofy (Sb)
- Lil Kiko
- Parrish (Ger)
- Goofy (Sb)
- Lil Kiko
- Lamine (Fra)
- Justice (BiH)
- El Rock (Cro)

10:00 Otvaranje vrata
11:00 Početak natjecanja 1vs1 Bboy'n djeca
14:00 Početak 1vs1 Bboy'n Juniori
17:00 Početak Crew vs Crew Bboy'n Juniori
20:00 Početak natjecanja 1vs1 Bboy'n Seniori
22:00 Početak natjecanja Crew vs Crew Bboy'n

23:30 AFTER PARTY - PHAT KSET & Blackouthiphop.com predstavljaju - Cali Agents (Planet Asia x Rasco) + Durag Dynasty U Zagrebu! - KSET, Unska 3.
!!!!!POPUST ZA SVE NATJECATELJE - 30,00kn (4€) ulaz :)


Bboy radionice:
10:00 - 11:30 - Goofy (Srb)
11:30 - 13:00 - Lamine (Fra)
- jedna radionica 35kn (5€)
- obe radionice 50kn (6.5€)

- prijave na natjecanje na zid eventa ili na mail : ufbb.battle@gmail.com
- potrebne informacije za prijavu su bboy(umjetničko) ime ili ime crew-a i kategorija.
-sa plaćenom prijavom natjecatelj je u mogućnosti sudjelovati u više kategorija i ima mogućnost dolaska na oba dana .

- najbolje plasirani hrvatski bboy na 1vs1 seniors battlovima kvalificira se na Red Bull BC One Eastern Europe Final 2015. (pokriven put i smještaj sa strane Red Bull-a)

-Prvo mjesto na 1vs1 bboy betlovima ispod 16 godina osvaja direktan prolaz u top 16 na natjecanju King of the Kidz u Amsterdamu + organiziran put!!

- prva 3 mjesta 1vs1 Juniors battleova osvajaju besplatne radionice na Eve Dance Festivalu 2015 u Burghausenu (Njemačka) kroz 5 dana(od 26 do 31.12 +organiziran smještaj u plesnoj dvorani)

-za prva mjesta svih kategorije će biti nagrade koje će biti objavljene na dan natjecanja :)

- Prijave: 50kn (6.5€)
- Prijave za djecu do 11 godina: 25 kn (3€)
- Ulaz za gledatelje po danu: 30kn (4€)
- Ulaz za gledatelje za oba dana: 50kn (6.5 €)

...više informacija uskoro

Hip-Hop 2vs2 Kids
1. Nika & Leona
2. Jadran & Jura
3. Lea & Nika
4. Ana & Korina
5. Lea & Brigita
6. Antonija & Katarina
7. Lady J & Maxx
8. Antini anđeli 1
9. Antini anđeli 2
10. Antini anđeli 3
11. Antini uništavači svemira

Hip-Hop 1vs1
1. Sheeme (Family Cardio Crew, GOC) - top 16
2. Mateja (Family Cardio Crew) - top 16
3. Mario Nebosenko (House of Jam) - top 16
4. Arijana (Rebus, BiH)
5. Disse (Effect Moves)
6. Anis (Family Cardio Crew, GOC)
7. Ginger (Fast Forward)
8. Punch Line (House of Jam)
9. Grbi (HHH)
10. Šola (HHH)
11. Marsi (HHH)
12. H8 One
13. Lil' Key (Still Incomplete Crew/BiH)
14. Scarlett (Still Incomplete Crew/BiH)
15. Klym (Danger Flava, Ukraine/Austria)
16. Martinqe (HHH)
17. PM (HHH)
18. Lena
19. Rosa
20. Lucija
21. Trape
22. Le no
23. Patricija
24. Patrik Kovacic
25. Daniela
26. Gloria
27. Bernard
28. Week
29. Andrea
30. Suz (SOSS)
31. Kyddo (Real Element, V-Black Austria/Croatia)
32. Peppe (Real Element, V-Black Austria/Croatia)
33. Chupacabra (ABOriginal Crew)
34. Čipi (Anonimus Crew/BiH)
35. Jaca (Anonimus Crew/BiH)
36. Maša (Anonimus Crew/BiH)
37. Lex (Anonimus Crew/BiH)
38. Zoey (Elit Society)
39. Michael (Elit Society)
40. Fich
41. Adrijana
42. Lana
43. Filip
44. Ariana
45. Tipsii (SOSS)
46. Dora (HHH)
47. Ivo
48. Woogie
49. Matea Bračko

AllStyle Crew vs Crew
1. Powerpuff Girls + Kiko - top 8
2. Family Cardio Crew - top 8
3. Bojte se - top 8
4. Fast Decision
6. Funky People
7. T-rap Dominatori

Bboying 1vs1 KIds
1. Kenox
2. Borna
3. El G
4. Wyzyd (Still Incomplete Crew/BiH)
5. Fred (Still Incomplete Crew/BiH)
6. Simon - top16
7. Tonči - top16
8. Karlito ( Funktastic Crew)
9. King Jan (Funktastic Crew)
10. Germlin (Funktastic Crew)
11. Ena (Funktastic crew)
12. Eva (Funktastic Crew)
13. Eagel
14. Bepo
15. Temai

Bboying 1vs1 Juniors
1. Ibot (Ger)
2. Mini Bela
3. Mali Anić
4. Be Lee
5. Vali Vali - top 16
6. Afftinity (Still Incomplete Crew/BiH)
7. Blaze (Still Incomplete Crew/BiH)
8. Zed (Still Incomplete Crew/BiH)
9. Dominik (Funktastic Crew)
10. Lea (Funktastic Crew)
11. Ent (Kodokan,BiH)
12. Garo
13. Paulinjo
14. Extreme (Kodokan,BiH)
15. Myth (Kodokan, BiH)
16. ACO (ABOriginal Crew)
17. Leo (ABOriginal Crew)
18. Kebab (ABOriginal Crew)
19. Dodo (ABOriginal Crew)
20. NOX (ABOriginal Crew)
21. Bor (Perfect Circle/Slo)
22. DonatMg
23. ZeD (Still Incomplete Crew Bihać,BiH)

Bboying Crew vs Crew Juniors
1. Fusion Crew
2. Funktastic Crew
3. AB Kidz

Bboying 1vs1 Seniors
1. Tojke (Flow From Mo) - top 16
2. Kel Lee
3. Raul (Real Steel) - top 16
4. Dirty Entoni
5. Piko
6. Martens
7. Bizarni Samson
8. Goofy
9. Kasum
10. Kian (Kodokan,BiH)
11. Sveti Nikola
12. KidFlix
13. Lu
14. Jozo
15. Gadfly
16. Zox (Still Incomplete Crew/BiH)
17. Domino (Still Incomplete Crew/BiH)
18. Dami (Still Incomplete Crew/BiH)
19. Flaki (Still Incomplete Crew/BiH)
20. Will
21. Flykid
22. Dindo (M18 Cew)
23. Reality
24. Ka-Fa
25. Friški
26. Rabbit (District Floor Gang)
27. Prelja (District Floor Gang)
28. Blondy (Anonymous Crew/BiH)
29. Čamac (Anonymous Crew/BiH)
30. Konte (ABOriginal Crew)
31. Boshko (ABOriginal Crew)
32. Jopa (ABOriginal Crew)
33. Kadžinga
34. Neo (Anonimus Crew/BiH)
35. Marinua
36. Zoto (Burning Souls Crew)
37. Beat (Burning Souls Crew)
38. Shik (Young Hustlerz)
39. JayTe (MindWill)
40. Ignac (MindWill)
41. Link (Still Incomplete Crew/BiH)

Bboying Crew vs Crew Seniors
1. Pawo i Apostoli
2. Z Crew
3. Ninja Family
4. ABOriginal Crew
5. Floortodox Crew (Srb)
6. Young Hustlerz
7. Perfect Circle Silver
8. Perfect Circle Gold
9. NoStress

Graffiti Jam Line-Up
Style B Okvir

As an addition to the Graffiti Jam, Modul8 will host graffiti workshop's May 1st, and you can apply by sending your email - moving2theleft@gmail.com

Line Up

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