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Found 3 records

Circle Industry 2vs2 Breaking - Amazing Battle
Preselection at Circle Industry Battle 2017 at Emailwerk Seekirchen (Austria) on February, 24th 2017 Sunni & Spin (UK) vs. Chau-Lin & Light (Germany) c...

Circle Industry Qualifier 2017 - Get it on the floor!
15 nations at Circle Industry Qualifier 2017 at Emailwerk Seekirchen on Friday February, 24th 2017 Judges: Focus (FIN), Ronnie (USA), David Colas (FRA) ...

and8 TV:
Perfect Beat Challenge @ Circle Industry - Recap
Perfect Beat Challenge at Circle Industry 2017 at Republic Salzburg (Austria) on Saturday February, 25th 2017 hosted and supported by Mario Bee (Netherl...