Je bent hier: and8.dance / Lunatic

KR Youngsu Bae aka Lunatic

Y1XB Dancer
35 leeftijden

Highlights & Achievements

2017 - Top 16 | Top16 1vs1 Toulouse Battle Pro 2017 - 1vs1 Undisputed


of Fusion MC

Lunatic aanwezig bij

+ 14.10.2023 CH DPC Jam 2023
+ 04.03.2017 FR Toulouse Battle Pro 2017
+ 03.03.2017 FR Toulouse Battle Pro 2017 - 1vs1 Undisputed

Attention: this is a past event.
zaterdag, 14. oktober 2023, Switzerland
CH DPC Jam 2023 - International Breaking Battle in Zurich (Switzerland)
D.POINT.C crew is celebrating 14 years! It's that time again on October 14th, 2023! The DPC JAM WORLDFINAL in Zurich will once again show battles that h...

and8 TV:
Toulouse Battle Pro 2017 - Recap
The great Toulouse Battle Pro 2017 on March, 3rd and 4th 2017 in Toulouse (France) Winner 1vs1 Undisputed: Lussy Sky (Ukraine) Winner 1vs1 Breaking Kids...

Attention: this is a past event.
zaterdag, 4. maart 2017, France
FR Toulouse Battle Pro 2017 - International Breaking Battle in Toulouse (France)
