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DE Summerskillz Camp

Workshops & Summer Dance Specials 2017
Was geht ab? Der Sommer 2016 wird heiß und natürlich gibt es auch wieder jede Menge Dance Events, Camps und Workshops, die man nicht verpasse...

Last Man Standing at Summerskillz Camp 2016
Summerskillz Camp "Each One Teach One Edition" 2016 at Tanzzentrum Burghausen (Germany) from August, 1st till 4th 2016 more than 30 participants from 4 ...

and8 Judge educational programme at Summerskillz 2016
Summerskillz Urban Dance Camp 2016 at the mth Tanzzentrum Burghausen (Germany) from July, 31st until August, 4th 2016 this year with the "Each One Teach...