Você está aqui: and8.dance / Anton

DE Anton Hofmeister aka Anton

A6XH aka Lil' Twister
26 Years
from Chemnitz (Germany)

Highlights & Achievements

2019 - Top 8 | Top32 1vs1 The Legits Blast Winter 2019

Attention: this is a past event.
sábado, 23. novembro 2024, Germany
DE East 24 - Saxony Championships 2024 - International 2vs2 Breaking Battle: 1000€ / 1vs1 Powermove Battle: 500€
Willkommen zu einem Tag voll von Hip Hop & Breaking am 23. November 2024 in Dresden (Germany). 2vs2 - 1000€ / 1vs1 Powermove Battle - 500€ SAMSTAG,...

Attention: this is a past event.
sábado, 11. Junho 2022, Germany
DE Breathe in Break out Battle 2vs2 - International Breaking Battle in Halle (Germany)
Saturday 11th of June is going to be big time! International 2vs2 Battle junior and pro. In Halle, Germany. PROGRAM:13:00 - entry / registration 14:00 ...

Attention: this is a past event.
sábado, 9. novembro 2019, India
IN Red Bull BC One World Final 2019 | Mumbai - International Breaking Battle in Mumbai (India)
For its 16th edition, Red Bull BC One, a global celebration of Hip Hop, travels to the colorful country of culture and dance, India! After previous edit...

Attention: this is a past event.
sexta-feira, 20. - sábado, 21. Setembro 2019, Germany
DE Red Bull BC One Cypher Germany 2019 - National Qualification Breaking Battle in Berlin (Germany)
Die besten B-Girls und B-Boys Deutschlands, eins gegen eins! Das größte Breaking-Battle der Welt ist zurück und es geht um alles – um...

Attention: this is a past event.
domingo, 18. Agosto 2019, Germany
DE VITA COLA Kingz Of The Circle - Qualifier Erfurt
Teil 3 der Qualifikation zum VITA COLA Kingz Of The Circle 2019 startet im Rahmen der AiR4DAY BREAKDANCE Competition in Erfurt. Auf dem Programm stehen ...

Attention: this is a past event.
sábado, 8. dezembro 2018, Germany
DE Golden King 2018 - Regional Breaking Battle in Dresden (Germany)
CATEGORIES:• 1vs1 Breaking RUNDOWN:Every dancer has to do 1 run within the Preselection. The judges choose the TOP32. They battle against each other ...

VITA COLA Kingz Of The Circle starts into round 10
das Battle Format im Jahr 2016 bereits zum 10. Mal verschiedene Vorausscheidungen geplant Preisgeld von 500,00 EUR für den Gewinner Finale am 3. De...