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US Tyrone Proctor aka The Bone

T1XP Dancer, Choreographer, Coach
born: 29. August 1953 | died: 06. June 2020 (R.I.P.)
from Philadelphia (United States)
until death New York City (United States)

“Going to Paris and to do the Still a Trill video was my small way of thanking Tyrone for inspiring me and for teaching me, how to live in front of the camera…. how to ‘bring it’ at all times” Grammy Award Winner - Jody Watley
Tyrone Proctor nicknamed “The Bone” by the late legendary Don Cornelius, is one of the last living pioneers of Waacking/Punking. He is sought worldwide as a judge, master teacher, groundbreaking choreographer, legendary dancer, street historian and progenitor of contemporary black street dance and hip-hop culture. What’s old is new again.
An original Soul Train Gang dancer, Tyrone toured nationally With Don Cornelius and renowned dancers Damita Jo Freeman, Sharon Hill, Part Davis, Jimmy “Scooby Doo” Foster, and Don “Campbellock” Campbell. With dance partner Sharon Hill - Wood, he won the 1975 American Bandstand competition and was among the first teachers at Soul Train Studios in 1978. Tyrone and Jeffrey Daniels (Shalimar, Soul Train) founded The Outrageous Waack Dancers, with Jody Watley, Sharon Hill Wood, Cleveland Moses Jr. The group was featured in the August 1978 issue of Ebony Mag. Toured Canada and Japan. Tyrone Proctor is featured in the VH1 documentary 40th Anniversary of Soul Train: The Hippest Trip In America. Tyrone dancing was a main feature on one of Randy Jackson’s “America Best Dance Crew” segments.
Tyrone helped form the innovative musical dance group “Breed Of Motion”, working with dance luminary Willie Ninja. Produced by Strafe (Set It Off) and father of house music Marshall Jefferson, Breed Of Motion performed for the closing party at the Legendary Paradise Garage.
Grammy Award Winner Jody Watley “Still a thrill” music video featuring Tyrone in Paris 1987, was the first music video to feature Waacking. Tyrone went on to choreograph for gold and platinum and mulit platinum artists including Taylor Dane, “Tell it To My Heart” 1988 (First music video to feature Voguing). Levert, Keith Sweat, and Johnny Kemp. Tyrone was nominated “Best Choreographer” with “New Kids On the Block” at the 1989 MTV Awards, helping set standards for the boy band craze that is prominent in today hip-hop culture. World-renowned hip-hop concert dance choreographer and historian Dr. Rennie Harris recently honored TYRONE as a “New York legend of Hip-Hop.”
In Janurary 2010 Soul Train celebrated their 40th anniversary. Tyrone was featured in and attended the VH1 Rock Documentary screening of “Soul Train The Hippest Trip in America at the Paley Center for Media in New York City. Afterwards he participated in the Panel Discussion with Questlove of the Roots, Big Mike of the Sugar Hill Gang and Moderator Miss Danyel Smith.
The Smithsonian National Museum of African American History & Culture will exhibit Tyrone’s works on Soul Train in 2016 on the National mall in Washington D.C. Tyrone the “Father” of “The (international) Imperial House of Waacking”.
Tyrone’s teaching has greatly influence the reemergence of Waacking all over the world. He trained many waackers on the global dance scene. Tyrone was the first to have a high heels class. He gives love and credit to the creative geniuses of Waack Dancers: Arthur Guff, Lonnie Carbajial, Andrew Frank, Billy Goodson, Viktor Manoel, Anna Sanchez, Dewayne Hargrave, Gary Keys, Little Tommy, Abe Clark, China Doll, Micky Lord, Billy Goodson, David Vincent, Angel Ceja, Blinky, Lamont Peterson, John Pickett, Billy Starr Estrada, Tinker Toy and Miss Dallace Zeigler, last but not least dancer & D.J Extraordinar Michael-Angelo just to name a few in the underground clubs of 1970’s Los Angeles.

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