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and8 Judge educational programme at Summerskillz 2016

20.07.2016 | Autor: Grigo

  • Summerskillz Urban Dance Camp 2016
  • at the mth Tanzzentrum Burghausen (Germany) from July, 31st until August, 4th 2016
  • this year with the "Each One Teach One Edition"
  • special educational program with and8 Judge
For many years there have been controversial discussions on the topic of jury decisions. The fadermethod (developed by Storm and implemented in the system „and8 Judge“) clearly allows to judge with criteria and compare dancers to each other at the same time. This method ensures a clear way of assessment which is still subjective but much more transparent and understandable. For this there are different evaluation approaches which can be used for the assessment.

Participants of the Summskillz Camp 2016 will be able to try this out in several 8and Judge seminars themselves. The team of and8 Judge offers in different test battles the chance for all dancers who are usually to be found on the dance floor, to judge with a criteria-bound high-quality judging system and thus to change their point of view. Here all participants will be familiarized with the system in a short introduction in order to be able to work with it correctly. Later all evaluations will be analyzed and discussed.

(A) Presentation of the system

The and8 team exhibits a presentation with information about the system and the different possibilities for assessment.

(B) Introduction to the criteria

In a short presentation participants will receive information about different criteria and about how to judge with them.

(C) Application in a practical test

Several test battles will be made to collect material for the discussion afterwards.

(D) Analysis & Discussion

An open discussion round including an analysis of the evaluation with video assessment and different views allows a better understanding.

On schedule there are "seven2smoke" (on Sunday), "Best of X" (on Monday), "BC One" (on Tuesday), "BOTY" (on Wednesday) and "Who's the one" (Thursday). In addition participants will receive useful tips for pre-selections and we will explain tactical concepts.

You wanna take part? Summerskillz starts on 31 of July at 7 p.m. and goes until Thursday 4 of August. Training starts daily at 8 a.m. with running, technique, methodical training concepts as well as a lot of different approaches to the topic of further development. Unlike with other festivals and camps we have no strict schedule but free rooms for a mutual exchange. This way everybody can decide themselves when and what and with whom he practices.

For all days you pay 38 €. If you come only for one day it's also okay, here you pay just 10 € per day. Exchange is here the most important thing. With the motto "Each One Teach One" the organisation team supports the competences of each participant and brings young dancers together with experienced activists of the scene. Here you will meet amongst others Austrians young talents such as Tobias Winkler aka Ibot, Maximilian Rosenberger aka Marox, Elisabeth Höck aka Elly-B and our "one and only" Bogdan Nedelciu aka Beat from Romania.

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Summerskillz Camp 2016
dom, 31.7. - qui, 4.8.2016
DE Tanzzentrum Burghausen