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About art and sport

28.02.2022 | Autor: Robitzky

When humans compete against each other by challenging their physical and tactical skills in play and involve physical exertion, we call it a sport.

Thus, when we look at the art form of Breaking and we produce a Battle environment to present it, it has all the characteristics a sport has.

By no way am I saying that the art form of Breaking is a sport alone. It is so much more and that's one of the reasons why I like this dance so much. After all I would say that I live a Breaking Lifestyle, since I cannot filter the dance out of most of my daily thoughts and activities.

Let's go further. I produced many artistic theatre productions with focus on the aesthetics and the cultural values of Breaking, which were very far from any type of a competition setting. Also I'd like to point out that when Bboys dance in a cypher and form dialogue it is the deepest way of performing for me and has nothing to do with competing.

This dance bears many more dimensions than just a sport aspect. Nevertheless, like sailing, rowing, walking, swimming, skating, skiing, chess and many other activities in life, Breaking can also get labeled a sport once people compete against each other.

Seeing this beautiful art form in sport events like in battles does not take anything away from its means of expression. Due to battles and its agonistic approach dancers work even harder on skills than if there was no competition at all.

The results are seen broadly in new vocabulary that is created for anybody to grasp on and that's just one positive aspect of it. This in return leads to more variety and growth of culture through growth of social exchange and of spectatorship.

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