Você está aqui: and8.dance / Ferramentas / Tickets
  • and8 tickets - from the scene for the scene
  • just send us info on your ticket and your event
  • ticket selling in EUR and CHF
You are organiser of urban dance events such as workshops, battles, shows or festivals? and8 offers you great opportunities to promote your event and to sell tickets very easily online!

That's how it goes - Sign up on www.and8.dance. Send us the most important data on your event and on the tickets you would like to sell as well as the social links. Think about a reasonable price model so that a ticket presale makes sense. For example 8.00 € per ticket in the presale and 12.00 € at the box office. For every sold ticket we charge:

Service charge:

• ticket price until 19.99 € = 1.00 €
• ticket price from 20.00 € = 5%
• ticket price from 100.00 € = 4%
• ticket price from 180.00 € = 3%


In order to allow us to perfectly present your event we require a poster/flyer and a banner as well as photo material for announcement and blog entries in the following formats:

• Poster: 1080 px (wide) x 1528 px (height)
• Banner: 1225 px (wide) x 450 px (height)
• pictures: min. 800 px x 600 px (2-10 pictures)
• all files please in 72 dpi

Please send it all to office@and8.dance! For further information please do not hesitate to contact us. We are looking forward to your event.

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