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DE Precious Wiesner aka Precious

P9XW Tанцовщица
28 Год
из Hamburg (Germany)
aктивнaя c 2016

Attention: this is a past event.
пятница, 30. июнь - суббота, 1. июль 2023, Germany
DE Munich Mash Streetdance Battles - International Breaking & All Style Battle in Munich (Germany)
It has always been like this: MASH loves new ideas! Formats and set-ups are fine-tuned every year, and the MASH FEST is supplemented with new artists an...

Attention: this is a past event.
пятница, 26. - воскресенье, 28. май 2023, Germany
DE BOTY Central Europe & Hip Hop Pfingstcamp 2023 - International Hip Hop & Breaking Event in Hannover (Germany)
Battle Of The Year and Kinder & Jugendarbeit Hannover in cooperation with Hip Hop Community Hannover e.V. presents: BATTLE OF THE YEAR CENTRAL EUROPE X...