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US Nicholas James Birakos aka Waveomatic

N3XB Tанцор, Xореограф, Tренер
pодилcя: 19. May 1967 | yмер: 23. December 2012 (R.I.P.)
из Los Angeles (United States)

Niko Birakos was born on May 19, 1967 in Los Angeles. He left us, much too soon, on December 23, 2012 in Los Angeles.

He graduated from Torrance High School in 1985 and went directly to the American College, Deree, in Athens, Greece, for two years. He majored in psychology.

In 1987 he returned to Los Angeles to complete his studies in local colleges and university, changed his major to computer sciences and obtained his Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from Kensington University.

Niko was a California accredited instructor for Postsecondary Educational Institutions with an expertise in Microcomputer Applications and Networking and Telecommunications. When he became a Microsoft Systems Computer Engineer his accreditation examination score was the highest ever at Microsoft.

He taught computer science at Maric College, Kaplan College and the Computer Educational Institute. To many of his students he was simply known as The Professor, and many still referred to him as such.

But while computers were his deep love he also embraced with faithful dedication a style of dance now known as “waving.” But he did not simply embrace the dance, he studied its roots and history through ancient civilizations like the Sumerian in Mesopotamia, and classical Greece, and through ballets like Swan Lake as well as the modern practices and style.

He developed a deep passion for this danced style because it drew on historical developments and was adorned with intricate movements and artistry. Over the past two decades Niko became one of the most influential and innovative dance instructors in the world. He is widely recognized as the person who perfected the style of waving.

A review of Facebook clearly shows the thousands of testimonials and expressions of love and admiration from all over the world which were immediately posted for Niko within hours of his passing.

Known internationally as Niko “Wave-O-Matic” Birakos (since it was noted years ago that he waved like an automatic machine) the internet went viral overnight with knowledge of his passing, and thousands of photographs, video clips and testimonials were posted. The day after his passing a gathering at the L.A. Forum was held by his friends, students and fellow dancers. Seven more such testimonial events were held throughout the area, including a massive event in Long Beach at the Homeland Cultural Center.

Tributes to Niko were held concurrently during the week of his passing in Germany, China, Mexico and Greece, and more were planned. His one and one-half hour interview for China television was aired the week of his passing.

Niko taught dancers from around the world and had been a judge and critic at local, national and international dance events and competitions. His intimate knowledge and experience of the dance set him apart from others in the field because he implemented innovative methods and achieved outstanding results.

Niko was finalizing a long-awaited instructional video (“The Art of Dance: Waving”) which was set to be released the month of his untimely passing—and it is now released through the help of his friends, becoming a tribute to Niko and his art.

Niko also wrote, played and recorded music, all of which is in the tutorial video. His music was featured by radio stations in Southern California.

For 10 years of his life Niko taught waving and dancing every Monday night in Long Beach at the Homeland Cultural Center. The Los Angeles City Council commemorated this achievement with a special presentation to Niko by now-Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, stating: “For your efforts in reaching out to our youth through your artistry and gift to empower their dreams and artistic goals. With gratitude for your devotion of service to the people of Los Angeles” – Los Angeles City Council, Eric Garcetti, President.

Niko had been quoted internationally for things that he had said to his students and fellow dancers. One of his quotes especially has been appearing everywhere: “Dance is the fingerprint of the soul.”

Niko left us far too soon. May his memory be eternal.

former member

- 2012 в WaveOmatics

same Crew:
GR Nalum