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CH 2DR Squad

Экипаж, Tанцевальный ансамбль
из Neuenburg/Neuchâtel ,Denis-de-Rougemont (Switzerland)
oснован: 2008

Breakdance (bboying) crew from Neuchâtel (Switzerland). The crew was formed in 2008 by a group of friends all coming from the same area, a neighborhood called Denis-de-Rougemont situated in the heights of the city. The group is composed of more or less 10 dancers aged between 15 and 23 years old, most of them have nearly 10 years of practice behind them!

3 Члены

CH Truny Nguyen aka Bonzai
CH Yoan Eloïm aka Puppet Kid
CH Alan aka Monkee
с тех пор как 2008

Attention: this is a past event.
воскресенье, 2. сентябрь 2018, Switzerland
CH Urban Project Yverdon 2018 | Dance Battle - International Breaking Battle in Yverdon, Switzerland
CATHEGORIES:• 1vs1 Breaking Kids (until 15 years) • 1vs1 Breaking PROGRAM:• Registration 1vs1 Breaking Kids from 11:15 - 11:45 a.m. • 1vs1 Brea...