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What Came Out Of The Mothership | 5,6,7 and8 - dance
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SE What Came Out Of The Mothership

Экипаж, Tанцевальный ансамбль
из Stockholm (Sweden)

What Came out of the Mothership (WM) is a locking group based in Stockholm, Sweden. With the quest to bring funk, love and soul to the citizens of the planet earth WM makes dance performances, shows and battles etc.

What kicked it off was when Carro and Cajsa won the Scandinavian Juste Debout 2011 in the Locking-category. After that the group of four, Theresa, Carro and Cajsa and Amanda Vähäsarja made showcases and performances at different events like "Celebration of Womanhood" at Kulturhuset Sthlm, "Scandinavian Superjam 2011" and "Next Thing" at The International Scene of Contemporary Dance/Sweden, Dansens Hus.

The group now consists of five members, all active in the streetdance scene by entering battles and doing showcases in different cities and countries. For example: "SDK Europe" in Czech Republic, "Ya don't stop" in Wales, "Yalta Summer Jam" in Ukraine, "Supreme Locking Battle" in Sweden and recently competing in Juste Debout both in Sweden and Spain.

The group of the five current dancers has recently been on tour across Sweden performing the piece "Impedancia". The tour was called "Urban Connection Tour" and was a collaboration between Dansens Hus and Dansnät. It was a great experience and a chance to spread what we love to all the corners of Sweden.