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Respect Culture & Challenge Cup World Finals 2017

Internationales Breaking Battle in Taipeh (Taiwan)

Sonntag, 11. Dezember 2016
TW Neo Studio
Songshou Rd 22, Xinyi District, 110 Taipei City (Google Maps)


Sonntag, 11. Dezember 2016
10:30 | Einlass, Anmeldung & Check-In
21:00 | Veranstaltungsende

Details zur Veranstaltung

█ Respect Culture X Challenge Cup|World Finals █
www.fb.com/r16tw | www.fb.com/challengecupfinals
instagram.com/r16taiwan | instagram.com/challenge_tw


█ 賽事時間|Event Date █
├ 2016 - 12 - 11|Sun.
├ 外卡賽.Wild Card|10:30 - 16:30
└ 主賽事.Main Event|17:00 - 21:00

❖ 外卡賽僅開放參賽者入場
❖ Wild card game is just for competitors enter to the venue

█ 賽事地點|Location █
├ Neo Studio
├ 台北市信義區松壽路22號5樓
├ 5F., No.22, Songshou Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City
├ goo.gl/maps/KJ4NRwgLuc72
└ 25.035398,121.567664

█ 賽事項目|Categories █

▒ Respect Culture World Finals
├ Bboy 4 On 4 National Battle
└ Bboy Solo Battle

▒ Challenge Cup Crew Battle
└ Bboy 8 On 8 Battle

▒ Challenge Cup World Finals
└ Power Move 7 To Smoke|Tournaments

█ 賽事評審|Judges █

▒ Bboy 4 On 4 National Battle
├ Bojin(Taiwan|HRC|Bboyworld Asia)
├ Crazy Legs(USA|Rock Steady Crew)
├ The End(Korea|Gamblerz)
├ Wing(Korea|Red Bull BC1 All Star|7 Commandoz|Jinjo)
└ Wing Zero(Japan|Found Nation)

▒ Bboy Solo Battle
├ Chen Chen(Taiwan|The Future|HRC)
├ Crazy Legs(USA|Rock Steady Crew)
├ Danny(China|Caster Crew)
├ The End(Korea|Gamblerz Crew)
└ Wing(Korea|Red Bull BC1 All Star|7 Commandoz|Jinjo)

▒ Bboy 8 On 8 Battle
├ Bojin(Taiwan|HRC|Bboyworld Asia)
├ Chen Chen(Taiwan|The Future|HRC)
├ Danny(China|Caster Crew)
├ Pay(Taiwan|KGB|Mania Crew)
└ Wing Zero(Japan|Found Nation)

▒ Power Move 7 To Smoke
└ The End(Korea|Gamblerz Crew)

█ 賽事嘉賓|Event Guests █

▒ MCs
├ Jeng(Taiwan|HRC)
└ Mikeskee(USA|Extraordinary Futures|Happy Soul Family)

▒ DJs
├ Achild & Flight(France|Tonuc Prod & HotClan)
├ Fleg(USA|Lionz Of Zion)
├ Hong Chi(Taiwan|Keep It Steady)
├ Lean Rock(USA|Floorlords|Boogie Brats|Squadron)
├ Pilizhao(Taiwan|Team Challenge)
└ Vientiane(France|Floorkillaz|Challenge Laos)

█ 參賽嘉賓|Battle Guests █

▒ Bboy 4 On 4 National Battle|Main Event
├ Band of Brothers(Singapore)
├ Boyz In The Hood(Taiwan)
├ Dream Runnerz(Taiwan)
├ Fresh Star Crew(China)
├ Ghost Rockz Crew(Switzerland)
└ Team Cream(Australia)

▒ Bboy Solo Battle|Wild Card
├ Dosu(Peruana|Beat Whakz|Funkill Peru)
├ Reflex (Philippines|Soulstice|Tha Project|Loko Worldwide)
├ RM(Taiwan|KGB|To Be Real Taiwan)
└ Sky(Taiwan|Dream Runnerz)

▒ Bboy Solo Battle|Main Event
├ Apache(Ukraine|South Front)
├ Differ(Korea|FRZM Movement)
├ Exaggerate(Norway|Floorknights Crew)
├ Fenix(France|Joyeux Loufock|Ready To Rock)
├ Flurry(Singapore|Cypherz Kingz)
├ Issei(Japan|Found Nation|Kyushu Danji)
├ Jhao(Taiwan|Taokaz|Hentai Breakers|Natuarl Force)
├ Johnny(Argentina|Funky Sayans|Sudametrica)
├ Karma(China|Dragon Style)
├ Leon(Korea|Fusion MC)
├ Sour(Taiwan|Reformerz)
├ Tepo(Australia|Skill@Will|143LSF)
├ Tomi(Slovenia|Go-Breakers|Legacy N3D)
└ Xiang(Taiwan|Monster Bboy Crew|Hentai Breakers)

▒ Bboy 8 On 8 Battle
└ Boyz In The Hood(Taiwan)

▒ Power Move 7 To Smoke|Main Event
├ Hoz(Taiwan|Dream Runnerz)
├ Martin(France|Kla)
├ Nao(Japan|Nishikasai Crew)
├ Ryuji(Japan|Body Carnival)
├ Sour(Taiwan|Reformerz)
├ Sprite(Taiwan|Reformerz)
├ Tanitaku(Japan|燃え上がれ俺の小宇宙|Babyrons|LuchaLibre)
└ Tomi(Slovenia|Go-Breakers|Legacy N3D)


█ 賽事獎勵 █

▒ Bboy 4 On 4 National Battle
└ 現金新台幣15000元|Doobiest冠軍商品|JUDGE冠軍商品|O-IN廣角鏡頭四個|Young Americana Supply冠軍商品|10X10CM刺青每人一個

▒ Bboy Solo Battle
└ 現金新台幣10000元|Dickies 5000元等值商品|Doobiest冠軍商品|JUDGE冠軍商品|O-IN廣角鏡頭一個|Young Americana Supply冠軍商品|10X10CM刺青一個

▒ Bboy 8 On 8 Battle
└ 現金新台幣25000元|Doobiest冠軍商品|JUDGE冠軍商品|O-IN廣角鏡頭八個|Young Americana Supply冠軍商品|10X10CM刺青每人一個

▒ Power Move 7 To Smoke
└ Dickies 5000元等值商品|Doobiest冠軍商品|JUDGE冠軍商品|O-IN廣角鏡頭一個|Young Americana Supply冠軍商品|10X10CM刺青一個

❖ 10X10CM刺青獎項,超過指定範圍將酌收費用

█ 觀賽門票 █
├ 預售票500元|現場票700元
└ 網路預售至12/6(二)止〈蝦皮拍賣及填表單〉

❖ 前一百名購買主賽事觀賽票的朋友,每人可獲得titan X R16衝擊運動襪一雙,

▒ 台灣人士
└ 至「蝦皮拍賣」或「指定教室」購買

┼ 蝦皮拍賣
├ RC X CC主賽事觀賽票|(已結束,請至指定教室或購買現場票)
└ 世界雙決賽合作套票|(已結束,請至指定教室或購買現場票)

┼ 指定教室〈皆為預售票,售完為止〉
├ Challenge Studio|台北市南京東路5段393號3F
├ Doobiest Store|台北市萬華區漢口街二段80號
├ HRC舞蹈生活館|台北市忠孝東路4段299號B1
├ In The Mirror|台北市八德路4段138號4F
├ The Hustle舞蹈排練室|台北市光復南路417巷183號B1
├ Mr.Frog Dance studio|桃園市中壢區中央東路88號11F-2
├ TC舞蹈休閒館|桃園市中壢區復興路46號B1
├ KGB舞蹈休閒館|新竹市東區中正路96巷22號4F
├ UnderWorld|台中市北區太平路75巷8號B1
├ 私立曼斯特技藝短期補習班|嘉義市長榮街273之2號2F
└ PLUS Fun表演藝術舞蹈學院|高雄市苓雅區青年一路4巷34號

▒ 海外人士

┼ 取票方式
├ 取票時間為16:00-17:00,超過時間請購買現場票
├ 票務專員將在活動會場一樓門口前等待
└ 請海外人士憑護照向票務專員取票,限本人取票

▒ 票務專員

█ 報名相關 █
├ 開放所有國籍選手報名
├ 4 On 4的成員皆須為同國籍
├ 8 On 8的成員可為不同國籍
└ 網路報名至12/10(六)22:00截止

▒ Bboy 4 On 4 National Battle|外卡賽|上限20隊〈台灣人士〉

▒ Bboy Solo Battle|外卡賽|上限60人〈台灣人士〉

▒ Bboy 8 On 8 Battle|上限20隊〈台灣人士〉

▒ 海外人士報名至以下網址
├ 4 On 4|tinyurl.com/rc-4-oversea
├ Solo|tinyurl.com/rc-1-oversea
└ 8 On 8|tinyurl.com/rc-8-oversea

▒ 報名專員|小風|+886-911-943-226|fb.me/tim8017

█ 選手報到 █
├ 4 On 4 & Solo & 8 On 8|10:30 - 11:30
└ 未於指定時間內報到,將會由報到處代為抽籤

❖ 活動當天,前一百名報到成功的參賽者,每人可獲得 titan X R16 衝擊運動襪一雙,送完為止

█ 賽事規則 █

▒ Bboy 4 On 4 National Battle
└ 使用官方指定「OUR Judge System」

┼ 外卡賽
└ 海選不可用Routine,選八隊進入八強,之後單淘汰皆為每隊四招,最後決賽的兩隊可晉級至主賽事八強行列

┼ 主賽事
├ 八強|每隊六招
├ 四強|每隊八招
└ 決賽|每隊十招

▒ Bboy Solo Battle
└ 使用官方指定「OUR Judge System」

┼ 外卡賽
└ 選十二人與邀請選手進入十六強,之後單淘汰皆為每人一招,最後決賽的兩人可晉級至主賽事十六強行列

┼ 主賽事
├ 十六|每人二招
├ 八強|每人二招
├ 四強|每人三招
└ 決賽|每人三招

▒ Bboy 8 On 8 Battle
├ 海選|每隊六招,選七隊
├ 八強|每隊八招
├ 四強|每隊八招
└ 決賽|每隊八招〈主賽事時進行〉

▒ Power Move 7 To Smoke
└ 八位邀請選手進入7 To Smoke比賽機制,二十五分鐘內最快取得七分者即為冠軍,超過時間則最高分者為冠軍

❖ Bboy 4 On 4 National Battle外卡賽最後決賽的兩隊可晉級至主賽事八強行列
❖ Bboy Solo Battle外卡賽最後決賽的兩人可晉級至主賽事十六強行列
❖ Bboy 8 On 8 Battle決賽會在主賽事時進行


█ Prize █

▒ Bboy 4 On 4 National Battle
└ Cash Prize in NT 15000|Doobiest Merchandise|JUDGE Merchandise|4 sets x O-IN wide angle len|Young Americana Supply Merchandise|10 x 10cm Tattoo (1 graphic per person)

▒ Bboy Solo Battle
└Cash Prize in NT 10000|Dickies's Merchandise in NT 5000|Doobiest Merchandise|JUDGE Merchandise|1 set x O-IN wide angle len|Young Americana Supply Merchandise|10 x 10cm Tattoo (1 graphic)

▒ Bboy 8 On 8 Battle
└ Cash Prize in NT 25000|Doobiest Merchandise|JUDGE Merchandise|8 sets x O-IN wide angle len|Young Americana Supply Merchandise|10 x 10cm Tattoo (1 graphic per person)

▒ Power Move 7 To Smoke
└ Dickies's Merchandise in NT 5000|Doobiest Merchandise|JUDGE Merchandise|1 set x O-IN wide angle len|Young Americana Supply Merchandise|10 x 10cm Tattoo (1 graphic)

❖ 10 x 10cm prize of Tattoo graphic, charge different prices according to the situation if exceed the size limited.

█ Ticket █
├ Pre-sale NT 500|Walk-in NT 700
└ Deadline of Online Pre-sale Ticket Reservation: 6th December, 2016 (Tuesday)

▒ Oversea Person
1|Fill-in the Form|tinyurl.com/rc-ticket-oversea
2|Letter will send to specified e-mail once our staff confirmed your information
3|Get tickets & pay by cash at the counter with Ticketing In-Charge

┼ Get Tickets
├ Time from 16:00-17:00,buy walk-in tickets if late
├ Ticketing In-charge will stay at the 1/F on event day
└ Oversea person please get the ticket at counter by showing your passport

▒ Ticketing In-charge

█ Registration █
├ Open to all nationalities.
├ 4 on 4 all members must in same nationality.
├ 8 on 8 all members can in different nationalities.
└ Deadline of online registration: 10th Dec, 2016 at 22:00 (GMT +8)

▒ Bboy 4 On 4 National Battle|Wild Card|Limit in 20 crews〈From Oversea〉
1|Fill the online registration form|tinyurl.com/rc-4-oversea
2|Confirmation letter will be sent via. e-mail once our staff checked with the details.
3|Please pay at the counter on event day, NTD 2,000/crew
Confirmation List|tinyurl.com/rc-4-list

▒ Bboy Solo Battle|Wild Card|Limit in 60 people〈From Oversea〉
1|Fill the online registration form|tinyurl.com/rc-1-oversea
2|Confirmation letter will be sent via. e-mail once our staff checked with the details.
3|Please pay at the counter on event day, NTD 500/person
Confirmation List|tinyurl.com/rc-1-list

▒ Bboy 8 On 8 Battle|Limit in 20 crews〈From Oversea〉
1|Fill the online registration form|tinyurl.com/rc-8-oversea
2|Confirmation letter will be sent via. e-mail once our staff checked with the details.
3|Please pay at the counter on event day, NTD 4,000/crew
Confirmation List|tinyurl.com/rc-8-list

▒ Contact Person|Winti|+886-905-858-802|r16taiwan@gmail.com|fb.me/winti.leung

█ Report █
├ 4 On 4 & Solo & 8 On 8|10:30 - 11:30
└ If any late for report, we will arrange to draw the sequence by our check-in counter.

❖ First 100 competitors to report at the counter on event day will get a pair of Titan x R16 Shock Absorting Socks, this limited-number offer is only available while stock lasts.

█ Rules █

▒ Bboy 4 On 4 National Battle
└ By official specified “OUR Judge System”

┼ Wild Card
└ Routine is NOT allowed in Preliminary, 8 crews will be selected and enter to Top 8 , then battle until final with 4 rounds per crew, 2 Finalists of Wild Card will enter to Top 8 of main event.

┼ Main Event
├ Best-8|6 rounds for each crew
├ Best-4|8 rounds for each crew
└ Finalist|10 rounds for each crew

▒ Bboy Solo Battle
└ By official specified “OUR Judge System”

┼ Wild Card
└ 12 Bboys will be selected and enter to Top 16 with battle guests, then battle until final with 1 round per person, 2 Finalists of Wild Card will enter to Top 16 of main event.

┼ Main Event
├ Best-16|2 rounds for each person
├ Best-8|2 rounds for each person
├ Best-4|3 rounds for each person
└ Finalist|3 rounds for each person

▒ Bboy 8 On 8 Battle
├ Preliminary|6 rounds for each crew, 7 crews will be selected
├ Best-8|8 rounds for each crew
├ Best-4|8 rounds for each crew
└ Finalist|8 rounds for each crew〈On main event〉

▒ Power Move 7 To Smoke
└ 8 nominated guests to enter 7-to-smoke, time limited in 25 minutes, the most earliest guest to get 7 points to be the Winner of the game, if no one can get 7 points within 25 minutes, the top score will be the Winner.

❖ 2 Wild Card Finalists of Bboy 4 on 4 National Battle can enter the Top 8 of Main Event.
❖ 2 Wild Card Finalists of Bboy Solo Battle can enter the Top 16 of Main Event.
❖ Bboy 8 on 8 finalist battle of Top 2 will be presented in the Main Event.


▒ 主辦單位|Organizer
└ Challenge.inc

▒ 執行團隊|Team of Execution
└ Team Challenge

▒ 協辦單位|Co-Organizer
└ ARTBAR阿爸|西門靖|藝青會

▒ 贊助單位|Sponsors
└ 13ink Social Club|Ancrage|dé PLACE|Dickies|Doobiest|JUDGE|MILKSHOP|O-in|PureFunk|titan|Young Americana Supply|大師兄咖啡|車晨汽車商行

▒ 媒體夥伴|Media
└ 街舞愛好者|Comeon5678|LB PIX|MasterHands|Overdope|ProDanceTV|Stance|Strife.tv|街夢網


❖ 主辦單位保有修改賽事內容之權力
❖ 以上資訊皆照數字及英文字母排序
❖ 此活動頁形式由Challenge製作,請勿盜用

❖ Organizer reserves the right for any changes of event.
❖ All of above are in alphabetical order.
❖ Please do not copy any contents of the above created by Challenge

Line Up

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Respect Culture 2016 - seven2smoke Battle Recap

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